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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Toy Story pre-order deal !!!! Monday is last day!!

I did this today at Toysrus and it worked!! Monday is the last day to pre-order the Toy Story movies because they are released Tuesday!

If you pre-order Toy Story 1 Blueray/DVD combo pack $16.99 & Toy Story 2 Blueray/DVD combo pack $16.99 you get $15 instantly on another movie. I got Princess and the Frog DVD ($19.99) it gave it to me for free!! For some reason it took another $4.99 off! I only paid $10.58. which is the $5 per movie pre-order deposit, that will come off the price of the movies when I pick them up on Tuesday. I also logged into disneymovierewards.com and typed the upc codes from our old vhs Toy Story 1 & 2 and was able to print an upgrade coupon of $10 off each movie (total of (2) $10 off coupons) When I go back on Tuesday the deal will look like this:
16.99 + 16.99 -10 pre-order deposit- $10 coupon Toy Story 1 upgrade - $10 coupon Toy Story 2 upgrade= $3.98 (+tax) !!! total of $13.98 + tax for the 3 movies.

There is (1) FREE movie ticket in each Toy Story combo pack, to Toy Story 3, so we'll have (2) FREE tickets!! I'm also going to turn in the Band-aid rebate on Princess and the Frog for $5 and maybe the Success rice rebate for $5. So you end up making money on this!!

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